Acts of Good: For Everyone Who Loves a Good Story

The Acts of Good Journal is a gift that literally keeps on giving.

TheActsOfGoodLogoVector2 copyWhen customers buy one of the journals, they give it to someone else. That person does a good deed, writes about it and then passes the journal along to someone else, who continues the cycle. After the journal is full—there’s room for 12 stories—it’s shipped back to the person who originally bought it.

Adam Benton, who created Acts of Good, wanted to sell a quality, lifetime product that also inspires people to make the world a better place. “We’ve taken off really fast,” he said.

Benton started working on Acts of Good last September and launched in December. The journals are available online and in shops in Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Tennessee and other states. Several of Hallmark’s HMK stores carry Acts of Good.

“We’d like to be in 250 stores across the country by the middle of summer,” Benton said. “We’re on track to reach that.”

Benton also has been partnering with corporate clients, who can buy the journals in bulk and use them for promotional purposes. “We’ve got some great responses from it,” he said. //