When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg called video a “megatrend” back in 2017, he matched his words with actions by “putting video first” across the company’s family of apps, which are among the world’s most used. Digital design platform Ceros shares Zuck’s view, offering this colorful take on things: “Video is eating the Internet. We’ve gone from text and images being the web’s dominant forms of content to videos being everywhere…
If you aren’t talking to your customers and prospects, then you are doing it wrong. However, many clients are surprised that our organization, PROOF, doesn’t do any qualitative research (interviews and focus groups). Not because talking to customers isn’t valuable — it has its place (discussed later) — but when it comes to creating a responsible marketing plan, it is dangerous to base strategies off of conversations alone. We see…
Risks are inherent in every business. Your goal as a business owner isn’t to eliminate every risk your company faces. Let’s be real. Business owners are risk-takers, almost by definition, so complete risk avoidance just isn’t in the cards. Instead, understand the greatest risks to your business, assess the potential consequences, identify options for dealing with them, and implement the risk management tools that make the most sense. As a…