A Kansas businessman for most of his adult life, Greg Orman former independent candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2014 found his entrepreneurial spirit working summers in a furniture warehouse owned by his father in Stanley, Kansas.
After graduating, Orman founded Environmental Light Concepts in 1992, which designs and installs energy-efficient lighting systems for commercial and industrial companies. He built the company into a multimillion-dollar business with over 120 employees in four years, before selling a majority of the company to Kansas City Power and Light in 1996 and has since invested in 15 companies, including boxing equipment manufacturer Combat Brands of Kansas. In 2004, Orman co-founded private equity firm Denali Partners LLC.
On Smart Companies with Kelly Scanlon, Orman will discuss his new book, “A Declaration of Independents”
He’ll discuss his years in business and how it factored into his 2014 political run for office, possible solutions for businesses plus they’ll discuss the extent of government’s involvement in business.