Community Investor: Thriving During a Fluctuating Market with Rick Melero

The rhythm of market cyclical fluctuations in the economy has followed similar patterns since the dawn of America.  As a result, the approaches and strategies used to thrive during fluctuating market cycles have been relegated to those “in the know. One of those “in-the-know” is Rick Melero of HIS Capital Group Rick brings his expertise to Community Investor with this week’s host Matt Benson.

Rick Melero is Co-Founder and Principal of the HIS Capital Group, a collection of entrepreneurial real estate and lending entities. Operating from a core foundational belief of paying it forward and being of service, Rick has led HIS and various strategic alliances in the acquisition and creative restructuring of over $500 million in assets spanning 5 countries. He has established a reputation as a leading business strategist, negotiator, and advisor and educator within the industry.   Find out how opportunities exist in each economic cycle and successful investors understand how to capitalize within them.  Learn the critical facts about why these trends repeat and how you can create wealth in any economic climate.