Finding the Right E-Commerce Solution

Retailers no longer have the option of whether to set up an e-commerce shop or not. It’s now a must. Instead, they must focus their efforts on choosing the proper e-commerce solution to ensure the user experience is as enjoyable as possible.

The first, yet often hardest decision when moving online is deciding what to use —an “out-of-the-box” solution or a custom one.

Out-of-the-Box or Custom?

Oftentimes, an out-of-the-box platform is a business’s first choice when making the move into the online retail space. It provides a set solution with little to no lead time at an affordable price. Unfortunately, the trade-off for businesses with more complex product offerings is that an out-of-the-box solution is more difficult to seamlessly integrate into all aspects of their business model. If you’re not selling basic shirts and shoes, an out-of-the-box platform might not be for you.

Custom solutions, on the other hand, allow retailers to develop a platform that caters specifically to their own customers’ needs and wants. This often results in a more enjoyable user experience and a higher conversion rate; however, it comes at a cost.

Unlike out-of-the-box platforms, custom solutions are great for retailers with product and service offerings that are unique to each customer’s own wants and needs. For instance, a performing arts theater would benefit more from a custom solution, as purchasing a ticket to a show is a more difficult process because of the many variables involved with each purchase. Users need the option to pick the performance they’d like to go to, the time that works best, and the seat they want to sit in. By going with a custom solution, this process is extremely easy for both the retailer and the end-user.

Must-Haves and Capabilities

When choosing what solution is best for you, here are a few additional points to consider:

» Before doing anything, determine the “must-haves” of your e-commerce site. If all can be met by an out-of-the-box solution, then it may be the right choice. However, if too many must-haves require custom development, then it’s time to start talking with a developer to see if the must-haves can be built into a solution at an affordable cost.

» Determine if an out-of-the-box solution can easily integrate with all of your other applications. With big data being so crucial today, you’ll want a solution that not only allows you to sell your products, but also lets you track specific metrics throughout the sale process. If you see it’s not possible, you may want to consider building an option that can work more closely with your current technology.

» Don’t assume you know the capabilities of an out-of-the-box platform. When assessing different solutions, don’t rely on your own judgment, but rather fully test each solution in order to make a fair assessment of its capabilities. After doing this, you’ll be able to better determine how much it would cost to either utilize the solution’s existing features or build out your own.

» When choosing a solution, look toward the future. The last thing you want is to spend thousands on a solution now for it not to match your business needs next year. Instead, choose a program that can grow as you grow. While you might pay a little extra for this now, it will save you time and money in the long run.

At the end of the day, both out-of-the-box and custom e-commerce solutions have their pros and cons, making it crucial to evaluate your own unique needs before choosing one or the other. Taking this approach will prove to be a successful one in the long run.