Brian Gregory, owner of Network Innovations, joins Smart Companies Thinking Bigger host Kelly Scanlon to discuss how businesses can leverage technology to improve their communication and productivity.
In 1991, at the age of 19, Gregory took over the fledgling IT company while it was still just getting off the ground. His only business experience had been working at a grocery store when he was in high school. He says he learned how to run a business by allowing his clients to mentor him, soaking up all the advice they would give him. He calls it “the best MBA I could get.”
In 1997, the company was one of the first to embrace computer telephony, better known as VoIP, and he and his wife Amy have been pioneers in shaping the industry ever since.
Listen in as Gregory discusses:
What it’s like to take over a business at the age of 19 with no prior experience.Why it’s critical to seek out mentors.The importance of putting employees first.How to use technology to leverage your business’s communication and productivity.
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