Small Changes Big Shifts: The Ultimate Prescription With Dr. James L. Marcum

Joining Dr. Michelle Robin on her next show is Dr. Andi Selby an Osteopathic Physician practicing primary care at Shawnee Mission Medical Center’s new Leawood, Kansas facility.  Dr. Selby focuses on diet and exercise as the way to have a healthier and happier life. She’ll explain how much and what type of exercise is best.

Also on the show is author, speaker and host Dr. James L. Marcum a board-certified cardiologist practicing with the Chattanooga Heart Institute, and named by USA Today as one of the most influential physicians in his field. Dr. Marcum is the author of TheUltimate Prescription and Medicines That Kill, He is also as an in-demand speaker for his role as the director of Heartwise Ministries. As one of the few independent health evangelism ministries in North America, Heartwise is honored to present viewers with a message truth, love, and healing to audiences around the world. Currently, his radio program, Heartwise, airs on more than 400 radio stations across the nation. Dr. Marcum also hosts the health program The Heart of Health Live!, which can be seen on secular and Christian television.