Sphere3 Adds Dane Griffith as New VP

Dane Griffith is the new vice president of business development at Sphere3 in Kansas City, Kan., which produces analytical software to help hospitals better anticipate and meet the needs of patients.

“Our company has experienced extensive growth, and with growth comes a higher demand for our products and services,” Sphere3 CEO Kourtney Govro said in a release. “We’ve spent a lot of time, energy and finances on building a great product and amazing services. Bringing on someone with Dane’s software sales experience allows us to approach the market in a more rapid methodology.”

Griffith’s extensive knowledge of health care information systems includes a solid grasp of the significance of data that comes directly from hospital patients.

“It is important for sales leadership to understand how data can impact the care team and the patient’s full experience, both within the walls of the hospital and outside,” Griffith said. “Our impact on responsiveness and effectiveness of the technology is what attracted me to Sphere3.”

Griffith was chosen by Sphere3 to expand strategic partnerships around Aperum, the company’s advanced suite of patient engagement software products designed to increase the responsiveness of hospital leaders and staff in delivering care.

“Dane has been selected to lead the development of sales and partnership relationships in our go-to-market strategy with Aperum,” Govro said. “Alarm design and caregiver communication strategies tend to be regional relationships between hospital and leading systems integrators serving the region. At the core of its operations, the hospital must be able to activate the right team members, at the right time, for the right purpose in order to keep patients safe and achieve exceptional care outcomes.

“Getting the technology right among vendors who are fiercely competitive often requires an integrator that can maintain an agnostic approach to the technologies. Aperum becomes a critical tool in the relationship between integrator and hospital leadership—it becomes a source of truth.”