Think Realty: Retire Rich with Rentals with Author Kathy Fettke

Discover the difference between what some people label turn-key properties and REAL turn-key rental property according to real estate investor, licensed Realtor, certified coach, and former mortgage broker, Kathy Fettke. She joins host Tom Rubadue on this episode of Real Estate Matters.  Fettke specializes in helping people build multi-million dollar real estate portfolios through creative finance and planning. With a passion for researching and sharing the most important facts on real estate and economics, She is a frequent guest expert on such media as CNN, CNBC, Fox News, NPR, CBS MarketWatch and the Wall Street Journal and is the author of the #1 bestseller, “Retire Rich with Rentals”, and is host of The Real Wealth Show – which is a featured podcast on iTunes with listeners in 27 different countries.