Local Attorney Launches TowLawyer.com Service for Towing Companies

Local attorney Nick Porto has launched a new business, TowLawyer.com, which builds on his expertise in representing towing companies.

The subscription-based website, which launched in April, offers updates on laws and regulations, downloadable legal forms, tips on billing and invoicing, and other useful information.

“There are many laws and regulations that apply to tow companies and many are confusing and hard to navigate for business owners,” Porto said. “My TowLawyer.com business partner and I concepted and brought TowLawyer.com to fruition based on a need in the towing market. The goal of TowLawyer.com is to ultimately help towing companies avoid the court room by following our legal tips and advice.”

Subscribers can download an e-book that details their particular state’s laws related to towing. The site also includes a national database of attorneys with backgrounds in towing cases.

TowLawyer.com is a joint project with Michael McGovern, a Tennessee-based attorney who also specializes in towing-related law.

“Since we launched in April, it’s been very warmly received,” Porto said. “At last check, we have members in approximately 35 states.”