BIG Influence: Sara Croke Achieves National Impact with Her Weather Talks

Customers in Kansas City know Sara Croke and her team at Weather or Not Inc. for their pinpoint forecasts. But the meteorologist has achieved a national level of influence through her public speaking.

croke_smaller_versionIn a typical year, Croke will give 10 presentations to groups like the American Public Works Association, the New York Conference of Mayors and a wide variety of professional organizations, including facilities managers, emergency response officials and others.

Croke’s talks are always tailored to the audience. A gathering of public works officials might receive a crash course on putting together a basic weather forecast, while emergency planners would get tips on delivering severe-weather warnings that listeners will actually pay attention to.

The net effect, though, is that large groups of professionals in an array of industries are learning how to apply (and appreciate) meteorological expertise in their work. That can lead to big savings—why water your golf course if a three-day rainstorm is on its way?—and potentially save lives.

“It’s not about what the weather is doing,” Croke said. “It’s about how it’s going to impact your operation. That’s where you start with the conversation.”