On the Clock, In the Community

Bob Cutler
Founder and CEO,
Creative Consumer Concepts
(C3) Brand Marketing

At C3 Brand Marketing, every employee is allowed to take up to 40 hours each year to volunteer during normal working hours.

The paid volunteer time is a long-running benefit at the Overland Park business, which has made community service a companywide goal. Founder Bob Cutler said he started offering the benefit because, between work and home life, many of his employees were unable to get involved with nonprofit work.

“They couldn’t put as much time into the community as they wanted to,” Cutler said.

In a normal year, C3 staffers log a total of 1,700 to 1,800 hours volunteering—very close to the equivalent of another full-time employee. Habitat for Humanity and Harvesters are a few of the nonprofits that C3 workers have helped.

C3 also has a Global Community Service program, where an employee can volunteer overseas for a week. In the past, staffers have served at an elephant refuge and a Romanian orphanage.

Cutler said the volunteer benefit has helped C3 attract and retain engaged, civic-minded employees.
“They’re a very selfless group of people,” Cutler said.
