Designers and Builders Turn to Innovative Interior Design Firm Install Solutions International

The company is behind some of Kansas City’s most beautiful architecture interior installations.

Precision craftsmanship. Solid performance. For architectural firms and construction companies that insist on both, Install Solutions International (ISI) is the company they turn to for commercial projects that involve architectural millwork, digital templating, refurbishing and LEED EBOM.

Interior Design With an Innovative Flair

In today’s highly competitive, highly creative, highly evolved commercial building market there are companies that design; companies that build; companies that design and build; and then there is ISI – the company that both designers and builders rely on to ensure every interior space is built with precision craftsmanship.

Their teams take interior design visions and most visionary concepts, transforming them into functional, living breathing commercial spaces that completely engage. Sometimes that means being traditional craftsman and other times it requires being innovators. In both roles, ISI’s use of the latest technology, materials and finishes in interior design specifications is an invaluable asset to a project.

ISI focuses on clients, communities and companies’ expectations. That’s why so many Kansas City-area architects, designers and general contractors have asked ISI to help them turn interior projects into spaces of distinction.

High-Profile Interior Design Projects

ISI is responsible for some of Kansas City’s most recognized interior spaces, including Blue Cross Blue Shield Kansas City, The Kansas City Zoo, Kansas City Marriott Downtown, The Roasterie and Armstrong Teasdale. When Joplin was devastated by a tornado in 2011, ISI was brought in to handle Joplin schools’ interior finishes. And they ended up creating an environment unlike anything the students had ever seen.

Community Stewards

As far as the company is concerned, community is everything. Bettering communities, whether through sustainable LEED interior installations or volunteer work, is the reason they do what they do. More often than not, the ISI team ends up going on to serve their clients and community well after the professional job is done.

Being a part of the Kansas City construction and business industry makes ISI stewards of our community as a whole. They’re there when an organization needs their help. ISI is active in:

  • Operation Breakthrough, especially during the holiday season
  • The Arts Council of Metropolitan Kansas City
  • U.S. Green Building Council Central Plains Chapter
  • Flint Hills Discovery Center