Hope House Domestic Violence Shelters of Kansas City and lingerie boutique clair de lune (Thinking Bigger Business cover story, April 2014) are teaming up once again for The Great Bra Exchange. The two organizations have partnered since 2005 to collect and distribute more than 22,000 gently-used bras to area women at two Hope House locations.
This year’s campaign runs from Jan. 12 through Jan. 29. Customers may trade in a gently-used bra at clair de lune and receive $15 off the purchase of a new bra. clair de lune then provides the donated bras to Hope House to make available to their clients.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” said Terry Levine, clair de lune owner and founder. “When I think of how many customers have donated thousands of bras that have helped so many women through Hope House, it leaves me almost speechless.”
Hope House provides a sanctuary for area women facing domestic violence. According to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in four women will be a victim of domestic violence in her lifetime.
A woman in this situation “often escapes her situation with her children, but without clothing except for what she’s wearing or other basic needs,” said MaryAnne Metheny, Hope House CEO. “We do our best to have clothing for her, including undergarments. That’s why our partnership with clair de lune and their customers is so meaningful and important.”
Hope House provides comprehensive domestic violence services including a safe 122-bed shelter, 24-hour crisis hotline, court and hospital advocacy programs, individual and group therapy, safe supervised visitation program, for court-ordered visits, as well as comprehensive services encompassing prevention, education and support for thousands of people traumatized by domestic violence every year.