KC Startup WorkView: A Better Way to Manage Your Work

WorkView puts the emphasis on people, not projects.

workview-mark-williamsSTARTUP // WorkView

ENTREPRENEUR // Mark Williams

WorkView’s enterprise work management solution enables managers to lead people, not projects.

Typical project management solutions only show you what people are working on for a particular job: Jane’s doing mockups, Bob’s on marketing, Pete’s handling quality assurance.

However, they won’t warn you that Pete’s swamped with 10 other assignments. Or that Bob is sandbagging.

WorkView switches your perspective so you can view everything your team is working on in one place. It also allows for continuous performance feedback and real-time dashboards, analytics and operational insights.

And if Bob quits? WorkView has a feature that lets you see everything on his plate and seamlessly transition those tasks to someone else.

Williams needed something like WorkView in his old job, leading a $2.2 billion tech company here in town. He couldn’t find anything like it on the market. So he created a startup to build it.

Williams went from a team of 1,800 to eight. “It is absolutely a big culture shift, but it’s also extremely energizing and fun,” he said. “We have an amazing team and are excited to show everyone what we have been working on.”

Middle-market and enterprise-level companies in pretty much any industry.

WorkView will go on sale this month. Visit www.workview.com for more.