Chris and Susan Lucas are the founders of yurJURY, an online mock jury service that trial lawyers and others can use to test the feasibility of a potential court case.
The idea to pre-litigate online first came to Chris Lucas when he was practicing law in the late 1990s in Kansas City.
“As a small attorney, I wanted to find ways to value my cases,” he said. “Mock trials are always used for the high-dollar cases. So why can’t I make a cheaper model?”
In March, the Lucases launched yurJURY, whose customers pay $495 for a mock trial that lasts a week or less. Cases are typically civil in nature, although criminal charges also can be involved.
Mock jurors weigh the evidence and supply individual feedback in a private chat room. They receive $15 for about an hour of their time.
The couple plans to promote yurJURY to lawyers this summer at a continuing legal education conference.