web design kansas city

Storytelling & Your Kansas City Website Design

One of the hottest topics in marketing over the last few years has revolved around the concept of storytelling.

This is fitting because storytelling has been one of the main forms of human communication since the beginning of time.

Storytelling works so well for one reason – people remember stories.

It’s much easier to remember a presentation that is presented within the framework of a story from one that is presented as a list of bullets, lists, charts and facts.

Yet when most business owners hear about storytelling in terms of marketing strategy, they initially think in terms of their own story.

The real power, however, is when you can position your ideal client as the hero in their story.

In this way, you become the guide and your products and services are the tools you use to lead them to glory.

But how should you use storytelling in web design?

Put Clear Messaging Above the Fold

One of the best ways to position your customer as the hero is to present them with a crystal-clear message that addresses the problem they are trying to solve, and how the solution you provide will help them along their journey.  This main message should be placed at the top of your website ‘above the fold’ which is the viewable area of your website before you start scrolling to see the other content on the page.    Say clearly what you do and how it helps.

Change Your Copy from ‘We’ to ‘You’

One powerful yet simple way to incorporate storytelling into your website is to speak directly to your ideal customer. By speaking directly to your audience, it will force you to clarify your messaging and will bring your website readers into the story.

Add Clear & Redundant Calls to Action

One of the biggest mistakes in web design today is not being clear about what you want buyers to do.  All websites should be designed with a specific call to action (CTA), and that CTA should be prominently placed at the top and bottom of the website, and just about every section in between.

Add Testimonials & Trust Badges

Another way to that adds trust and credibility to your website is when your prospective customers can proof of other success client stories. It’s true that your website should be about ‘them’ and not you, your experience and reviews add the proof and depth buyers need to view your company as the best choice.

Show Them the Easy Button

One of the major challenges with the consumer purchase process these days is the sheer number of choices your customers have.  This makes process confusing and overwhelming.   At the end of the day, all that your prospective buyers want is the confidence that they’ve made the best choice. When you can present a clear and simple set of steps that shows how easy your company is to work with, they can visualize their success.

Time To Take Action

Take a fresh look at your home page with fresh eyes.  Do you think your website could convert more website leads into sales by adding elements of storytelling to its design and content, or by positioning your client as the hero on your website?

If you are looking for a resource on storytelling technique, check out the book Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller.   There are many books on this subject, but Miller’s is one of the most popular on the subject and several of the above tips are borrowed or inspired by his writings.

About the author

phil singletonPhil Singleton is a multi-business entrepreneur and the CEO & founder of Kansas City Web Design & SEO, a digital marketing agency in Overland Park.

He is a co-author of the bestselling book SEO for Growth: The Ultimate Guide for Marketers, Web Designers & Entrepreneurs.

Phil is also co-founder of Podcast Bookers, a podcast booking agency that helps thought leaders, authors, and guest experts get booked on established podcast shows. He is also a co-owner of TheHomeMag Kansas City and TheHomeMag St Louis, home service magazines that are mailed out to over 120,000 luxury homes in each market every month.

Kansas City Web Design
12721 Metcalf Ave Suite 105
Overland Park, KS 66213
Phone: (913) 735-9105