Your 3-Month Plan for Successful Onboarding

How to help recent hires thrive in your company from their very first day.

Most business owners recognize that finding, interviewing and hiring new employees takes time and money. Ultimately, it’s an investment in their company.

But they don’t always give as much thought to onboarding—to making sure that new hires are effectively integrated into the organization. The first three months, in particular, are critical.

With planning and a little “quality time,” though, small businesses can help employees become part of a productive, engaged workforce.

Prior to the First Day

Prepare all necessary paperwork and information about parking, lunch, dress code and other operating policies. Make certain the work area is fully set up. Establish necessary computer log-ins, and alert team members to the individuals’ arrival.

Day One


Be ready to immediately greet new employees. Review all the required paperwork, and make sure it has been properly completed. Share information about the company, its philosophy and its work culture.

Explain how the company makes money, and describe the current state of the business, as well as where it’s headed in the future. Educate new hires about product lines, mention key competitors and make certain to teach them the ins and outs of your brand. Introduce the new employees to their colleagues.

Day 2–30


Use this first month to fully immerse new employees in all that is needed to perform their jobs. Use mirroring and mentoring to train the recent hires and build workplace relationships.

Daily check-ins also are essential so that how-to questions can be answered and casual course-correction and guidance can be provided. New employees should begin to contribute in a meaningful way.

Day 30

Communicate more detailed information about key policies, performance expectations, acceptable work behaviors and business etiquette—how things are done in your company. Cover critical programs in detail such as harassment and ethics. Provide information about how to correctly report a concern or alleged violation and how and from whom to get help.

Day 90


Help new employees understand their specific role in the company. Show them how they contribute to the organization’s overall direction and success.

Explain the company’s vision, mission and values, and provide examples of how they could personally achieve these. Ask each employee to come up with at least three performance goals, with milestones, for the rest of the performance year.


The success of your organization and your employees depends on your onboarding program, for this process sets new employees’ tone and attitude. Plan carefully, deliver deliberately and orchestrate the program fully. In so doing, you will secure dedicated, long-term employees who are committed to the success of the organization and the brand.