The Importance of Buyer Personas in Ecommerce

A buyer persona – also called a customer or marketing persona – is a profile of what your ideal customer looks like. It’s important to create buyer personas so that you know what your customers are looking for and why, and also why they may (or may not) purchase from you. 

Buyer personas are fictional characterizations representing a group of customers with similar values around the use of a product or service. 

These personas help you understand and articulate your customers better. In turn, this helps you when you’re designing products, mapping your ecommerce user journey, and creating content for real people with real needs. 

Customer personas also create a common language and identification for your internal team so that everyone understands who they are creating content for. 

So, why is all this so important, especially in the world of ecommerce?

6 reasons buyer personas are so important in ecommerce 

1. They help you build your ecommerce strategy 

Creating buyer personas help you to truly focus on your target audience to the exclusion of everyone else. 

When you have this focused view, you can design and build targeted strategies with only this audience in mind. Everything you do should keep your buyer persona in mind, from your messaging and brand positioning to which marketing channels you use, which platform these personas prefer to purchase from, and how they typically go through their customer journey. 

2. You can personalize your content 

We all love the personal touch. And when we’re offered something that really appeals to us, we’re much more likely to engage with it. That’s why knowing exactly what your audience is looking for is important in creating content that will connect with them. 

Providing your audience with relevant, timely content is a great way to position your brand as something they want or need, and put them on the ecommerce sales path.

3. Buyer personas help you improve your ecommerce user experience 

When you know who your target audience is, you can also figure out how they approach a new purchase. And when you know that, you can improve and tailor your website’s user experience (UX) to their approach. 

Take a look at how your customers are using your website. Look at their behavior on your site, figure out where on the path to purchase they may drop out, how they use different functions, and where the pain points are. From there, you can make adjustments that will improve their experience. 

Creating a seamless UX is key to ensuring your potential customers convert into buyers – and then on into repeat buyers and eventually even advocates for your brand. 

4. Find and partner with influencers 

While creating your buyer personas, think about people they may follow and be inspired by. They will have built up trust in these influencers, and you can leverage this. 

Working together with targeted influencers can help you reach your target audience and engage with them. These influencers can put your potential customers on your ecommerce sales path by essentially authenticating you. 

5. Understanding your customer personas can enhance your service 

Of course, ecommerce isn’t just about selling. It’s about the service you provide before, during, and after the sale, too. Understanding who your customers are can help you provide improved customer service, and in turn build satisfaction and loyalty. 

As part of your ecommerce provision, for example, you may want to include a live chat function. According to one study, live chat increases conversions eight-fold, increases purchases, and increases repeat purchases. 

6. You’ll generate better quality leads 

Trying to appeal to everyone means you’ll likely appeal to no one. Niching down into your buyer persona will mean you’ll generate leads from people you know are likely interested in your product or service. You’ll also be able to handle these leads better, because you’ll understand your buyers’ needs and objections. 

A final thought: Ecommerce brands use buyer personas to both find and convert customers. You also may have more than one type of buyer persona – that’s fine, and expected. Each one should be as detailed as possible. 

If you can tailor your marketing activity to truly appeal to your different buyer personas and focus on what they need, you’ll get more return on your investment.

Want to create buyer personas to maximize your ecommerce potential? Get in touch with LimeLight Marketing for a free consultation. 

Brandee Johnson is the owner and CEO of LimeLight Marketing. After a 15 year run in corporate America, working for leading brands Deluxe Corporation and LEGO, Johnson followed her long-time dream of starting her own company and founded LimeLight Marketing, a brand, digital marketing and development agency that helps brands foster customer trust and grow market share. Since then, the agency has grown rapidly to serve companies across the US.

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