Know who you are dealing with when you invest. On this episode of Think Realty, host Chrissey Breault talks with Sam Ally, a resourceful Real Estate Investor, Social-Preneur, Speaker & Advocate with over 25 years of entrepreneurial expertise. He currently serves as V.P. Sales/Business Development of the HIS Capital Group Family of Companies responsible for expanding the company’s presence globally. The company provides residential & commercial Real Estate investment opportunities…
Meet Colleen and Jason Gerke of Jowler Creek Vinyard and Winery of Platte City. Learn how a California girl and a Midwest farm boy decided to trade corn in for grape vines and grow a thriving business. Jowler Creek was a winner of the 25 Under 25 ® Award for 2016. Discover how these two entrepreneurs made the jump from the hobby they loved into a strong and successful business…
Performance reviews – Should you get rid of them?What about open floor plans – Do they really work?Should employees know each other’s salaries? Dr.David Burkus, an increasingly influential business school professor, and author after decades of research will address what he contends are outdated, or outmoded business practices with host Kelly Scanlon.They’ll discuss his new book, “Under New Management, How Leading Organizations are Upending Business as Usual” on this episode of…
On this episode of the QTI Power Hour, Hosts Jason Lofton and Steve Kucharski share strategies around growing the business and what it takes to keep every thing moving in a forward direction. Training, Delegation of authority, and Reevaluating your position in the industry are all critical, and exactly when does Jason plan on putting on that Superhero Cape?  Plus a quick look at the 2016 presidential race shaping up on both…