Banking, Law, Management, Money The Secret to Safer Deposits 4.01.2014 | By Brooke Spartz How your financial institution can help you fight fraud….
Banking, Money What You Say (and What Your Banker Hears) 1.01.2014 | By Julie Nelson Meers How you communicate can have a big effect on your results….
Banking, Money What Your Banker Wants to Know 1.01.2014 | By Michael Rosales One lender shares his tips for securing a commercial loan….
Banking, Money, News Updates KS Lending Program Receives $4.5 Million to Help Small Businesses 12.30.2013 | By Brian McTavish Money goes to Kansas Capital Multiplier Funds….
Banking, Money, News Updates SBA Eliminates Up-Front Fee for Many Veteran Loans 11.11.2013 | By Brian McTavish Change affects loans up to $350,000 and will run through FY 2014….