Finance, Money, News Updates IRS Business Mileage Rates to Decrease in 2014 12.16.2013 | By Brian McTavish How will the new rates affect your business?…
Finance, Money, News Updates IRS Introduces Speedier Dispute Resolution for Small Businesses 12.08.2013 | By Brian McTavish The Internal Revenue Service knows that small businesses being audited by the IRS would rather not spend months or years resolving their tax issues….
Finance, Money The 3 Biggest Mistakes Small Businesses Make on Tax Strategy 12.01.2013 | By Gary A. Hawkins Are you paying more in taxes than you really need to?…
Finance, Money Tax Forecast for High-Income Earners 12.01.2013 | By Mary Ramm How the rules are changing—and what you should do now….
Finance, Money, Thinking Bigger Guide 2013-14 Outwitting Embezzlers, Thieves and Scallywags 11.22.2013 | By Cheryl Obermiller Three ways to protect yourself from financial fraud….