On this episode of Smart Companies KC, meet Jeff Shackelford, the Executive Director of Digital Sandbox KC.  Kansas City’s Digital Sandbox, also known as a proof-of-concept center, launched in February 2013. It is a new, regional approach to identifying very early technologies, which, with the right assistance from industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs, can be advanced toward commercial viability. Find out how Digital Sandbox is connecting innovation to industry and hear about the number…
Depending upon the outcome of the 2016 elections, a lame duck Congress may not be all that productive. So the 114th Congress has a small window of opportunity from now until mid-November to act on eight bills affecting small business.  Karen Kerrigan, CEO of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council guests this week with Smart Companies Radio host Kelly Scanlon to discuss eight bills which Kerrigan says could provide relief and…
On this episode of the QTI Power Hour, Hosts Jason Lofton and Steve Kucharski share strategies around growing the business and what it takes to keep every thing moving in a forward direction. Training, Delegation of authority, and Reevaluating your position in the industry are all critical, and exactly when does Jason plan on putting on that Superhero Cape?  Plus a quick look at the 2016 presidential race shaping up on both…