An important but overlooked part of the lending relationship comes well after the original loan closing. Renewing your loan for the first time is an important step in maintaining a close relationship with your lender. Line of credit renewals always begin with being well prepared. Your readiness will make it easy for the loan officer to process the renewal for another year. All lenders continuously monitor their loan portfolio to…
Remote deposit, ACH services can help you save time and money.For small business owners, managing the flow of money is a job that never really stops. They constantly need to keep an eye on incoming cash while paying a never-ending series of bills. Smart entrepreneurs are always looking for a way to make the process more efficient. Many banks offer remote deposit and Automated Clearing House (ACH) services, two easy…
If only choosing a bank were like online dating. You could just turn on your computer and sort through each institution’s profile, scanning for financial stability, convenience, lending products and all the other qualities you want in a banking partner. Of course, there’s a big difference between dating and actually building a relationship, and that holds true for banking relationships. It takes time, effort and communication—lots of communication—to find the…
FIAs offer another way to make savings last. Today’s business owners, seeking an optimal 401(k) plan for themselves and their employees, face an intimidating task: creating a conservative option that protects participants from outliving their money. For years, financial professionals have advised clients to maximize their contributions to their company’s 401(k) plans and balance their allocation for highest growth within their risk parameters. “Now, as retirement looms on the horizon,…
Should you select big, small or both?It was handed down on the tablets. Small businesses shall bank at small banks. Large businesses shall bank at large banks. How sound is this logic in today’s banking world? While the logic remains a hard rule for large companies, it is now really more of a guideline for small businesses. Over time, a highly successful business will tend to outgrow its small local…