Think about your three biggest competitors … got ‘em? Now, what do you say when potential customers ask you why they should do business with you instead of those competitors? More often than not your response contains subjective and ineffective language. You say things like “x years in business, trusted leader, great customer service, quality, value, blah, blah, blah.” Ever stop to think why they ask you that question? The…
If you aren’t talking to your customers and prospects, then you are doing it wrong. However, many clients are surprised that our organization, PROOF, doesn’t do any qualitative research (interviews and focus groups). Not because talking to customers isn’t valuable — it has its place (discussed later) — but when it comes to creating a responsible marketing plan, it is dangerous to base strategies off of conversations alone. We see…
“When opportunity knocks, answer the door.” Sure, it’s good advice. I think it means keep your eyes open and don’t be afraid to take risks to capitalize on possible opportunities. However, there is something about this phrase that I take issue with; it subtly suggests that if we just go through life and, as long as we pay attention, opportunities will fall in our lap. We have all heard stories…