shorter workweek
“Workaholics aren’t heroes. They don’t save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is home because she figured out a faster way.” — Jason Fried It’s no surprise that the world is changing. Is it time to start thinking about how we collectively labor? It’s extremely difficult to find great new employees, it’s becoming harder to keep them, and employee engagement continues to be very low (less than…
abundance more pie
“When people are genuinely happy at the success of others, the pie gets larger.” — Stephen Covey We all use various filters as a way to process what goes on in our worlds. These filters are based on core beliefs, and usually, they are applied subconsciously, without us evening noticing. Although it sounds like a really subtle, small thing – it turns out those beliefs and filters can have a…
abundance more pie
“When people are genuinely happy at the success of others, the pie gets larger.” — Stephen Covey We all use various filters as a way to process what goes on in our worlds. These filters are based on core beliefs, and usually, they are applied subconsciously, without us evening noticing. Although it sounds like a really subtle, small thing – it turns out those beliefs and filters can have a…
freedom entrepreneur
The idea of freedom is fundamental to the idea of being an entrepreneur. Think about all the reasons why someone starts a business: The opportunity to make more money – especially in the long term The opportunity to start keeping more of the money they’re currently making for someone else The opportunity to build something that they believe in The recognition that there’s no longer an easy fit for them…
exponential growth massive transformative purpose
The world has changed immensely in the last 20 years. Think about it this way: In September of 1998, 20 years ago, two guys with laptops founded Google. They reached a $1 billion market capitalization in about eight years, and Google is currently worth over $700 billion! To put that in perspective: Historically, Fortune 500 companies take 20 years to get to a $1 billion market cap … and Google’s…