false advertising
When businesses think about false advertising, they usually think of the consequences. Businesses with misleading ads can face government action, lose the trust of consumers, become an easy target of competitor attacks — or all three. To most business owners, false advertising and its consequences sound easy to avoid — just don’t lie. Unfortunately, that thought process leads many businesses astray. Most businesses who publish misleading ads don’t even know…
abundance more pie
“When people are genuinely happy at the success of others, the pie gets larger.” — Stephen Covey We all use various filters as a way to process what goes on in our worlds. These filters are based on core beliefs, and usually, they are applied subconsciously, without us evening noticing. Although it sounds like a really subtle, small thing – it turns out those beliefs and filters can have a…
abundance more pie
“When people are genuinely happy at the success of others, the pie gets larger.” — Stephen Covey We all use various filters as a way to process what goes on in our worlds. These filters are based on core beliefs, and usually, they are applied subconsciously, without us evening noticing. Although it sounds like a really subtle, small thing – it turns out those beliefs and filters can have a…