It’s December, and if you’ve tried to buy literally anything over the past 18 months, you’ve experienced the crushing disappointment of our supply chain situation. Toilet paper, cars, antifreeze, microchips, Grapenuts cereal and, yes, even office furniture have seen unprecedented supply problems. Issues stemming from the material, labor, freight and transportation shortages have wreaked havoc across the globe. Unfortunately for all of us, the 2022 forecast doesn’t look like next…
Q: My husband and I recently started a company offering chaplain services to employers. Most employers do not provide this service to their employees, do not know it exists or have not set aside a budget for it. Any ideas on how to qualify which companies will find money for our services and not waste time with the ones who won’t?  A: Thank you for your question. I love this unique…
It seems to be human nature to fall into routines, not just in our personal lives, but in our work lives too. So it’s easy to understand how many small businesses will head into a new year with the same basic marketing gameplans as the year before, using the familiar strategies and tools that have gotten them this far. Now imagine the sound of a football coach loudly blowing a…
Understanding the motivations and emotions of your customers and prospects may be the most important thing to figure out at your organization — and equally the most challenging. Things like CRM systems, analytics, digital funnels, surveys and other tools gather data to try and help us understand customers, but they all fail to address one very simple and critical thing … “WHY?”  At their very best, these behavioral aggregators can…
As a small business owner, you wear many hats. When it comes to running your business, demands on your time are never-ending, and sometimes behind-the-scenes business administration responsibilities get pushed aside or fall through the cracks. There are many areas of business administration where you really can’t afford to make mistakes if your business is going to be successful, and compliance is at the top of the list. Maintaining compliance…