In marketing, we often have blinders on that make us believe the best way to be successful is to get new customers at an ever-increasing rate. But too often, we get caught up in this game of cat and mouse and forget that our best customers are already sitting in our database: existing customers. These people have already been won over once—who’s to say you can’t do it again? And…
Happy “gratitude” month, SMB leaders! As we head into the Thanksgiving season, it’s time to prepare yourself to receive all the “we’re so grateful for you” marketing messages out there.  But before you start crafting that perfect one-off email and social media post expressing your gratitude for your customers, let me tell you a secret: Everyone can see right through that. Gratitude isn’t something you should practice once a year….
Four ways to overcome the most common roadblocks to strategic thinking With a title like director of client strategy, creating well-thought-out approaches is pretty much what I do. But in the slew of meetings and emails (an average of 126 emails per day says Radicati Group) and a whole host of “other duties as assigned,” it can be nearly impossible to think strategically on a daily basis. Because contrary to…
It’s hard to see through the forest when you’re in the middle of it. Just like in life, the marketing perspective from the outside is often clearer than from the inside.  We have experienced this over and over again with our clients—they become so hyper-focused on the details of their businesses that it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to see the bigger picture. Getting an outside perspective can provide much-needed…