Ecommerce is ever-evolving with new developments in technology, shifting customer behavior and unexpected events you can’t plan for. And the last few years in particular have delivered some major changes that have shaped the world we live in and that will continue to shape the future of retail and online shopping. One way you can keep evolving with the market is to look ahead to 2022’s emerging trends. Here are…
In marketing, we often have blinders on that make us believe the best way to be successful is to get new customers at an ever-increasing rate. But too often, we get caught up in this game of cat and mouse and forget that our best customers are already sitting in our database: existing customers. These people have already been won over once—who’s to say you can’t do it again? And…
Wahoo! It’s 2022!! I don’t know about you (I promise I’m not trying to rhyme), but I always love the new year. It’s full of hope, fresh perspective and optimism. This year is no different. We are coming off the historic past two years, and I’m incredibly optimistic about 2022. Now I’ve dusted off my crystal ball, and I’m going to make some predictions about what’s to come in the…