“I thought he was crazy,” Michelle Crosby said. This was her reaction when her husband and business partner, iResQ CEO Nick Crosby, told her he wanted to buy a Kansas City technology company. Did they have a background in technology? No. Did they have a good understanding of how to run a technology company? Also no. But what they did know was how to build a team. With 30 years…
Tips for now and the future Economic downturns are an inevitable reality every business owner will face at some point in their lives. During challenging times, business owners have difficult decisions to make about the future of their business that affect them, their employees, vendors, clients, and communities. It is an enormous responsibility to bear, but you can take steps to prepare for these seasons of life. Optimize your books…
Lose the Gut Hire Q: We have a long sales cycle – anywhere from six to 18 months. Because of this, it takes time to understand the effectiveness of our new sales team members. We know some sales “professionals” exist who are skilled at getting themselves on a payroll only to under-perform until the guarantee runs out. Any advice on how we break this cycle? A: You are not alone….
(Spoiler alert: Yes) Evidence is mounting in all areas of life that the pandemic has forced long-term changes in our behavior. We work remotely, we shop online, we’re more focused on health and hygiene, we’re accustomed to at-home entertainment versus nights out — nearly all of these were on the rise already, but the shift has dramatically accelerated, and there are few signs that we’ll return to pre-pandemic “normal.” You…
Team buildings? Nope, that’s not a typo. We’re diving into what inclusive design is, why it’s important, and how to utilize it to create equitable workplaces, leveraging your building to give your organization a competitive advantage in the marketplace. What exactly is inclusive design? Diversity and inclusion have been hot topics of recent years, and the momentum around them is only getting stronger. Many business owners are wondering how to…