How to Use Customer Research to Innovate “If I would have asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Henry Ford’s famous quote is one of our greatest lessons in innovation. (Although there is much doubt he ever said this, let’s not let that spoil our fun.) This famous quote surmises that we cannot “customer research” our way into innovation. Generally, I agree – if you approach…
This is the story of a Kansas City business that went from struggling to find work to getting more business than it could handle. How does a traditional business in a crowded market achieve explosive growth in six months? They Started with SEO Google is a monopoly. If you know how Google analyzes and ranks content on the Internet and apply these principles to your website and marketing strategy, it…
At my company, we are experts in helping organizations simplify their IT and communications experience and enabling people to work remotely. Yet we dealt with all of the same pressures and issues you have faced over the last year. And for many of us, the change is going to last beyond the lockdowns. How do we continue to collaborate and operate efficiently to serve our clients? How to ensure our…
“Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” Steve Jobs made this statement nearly 20 years ago while sharing that his model for business was The Beatles, who he described as four guys who balanced each other out and created a total that was greater than the sum of the parts. Steve Jobs knew what he was talking about, and his…
Most people think it’s all rainbows and butterflies working with a marketing agency; you simply just pass off your marketing to-do list to a team of experts whose job it is to just “get the work done.” But if your marketing agency is simply doing the work you tell them to do, then they’re doing you a disservice. At the same time, if they’re leaning heavily on your team to…